- utilities.plotUtilities.singleContour(X, Y, Z, contours=None, sizeFig=(12, 12), aspect='equal', hideAllTicks=False, cmap='plasma', colorbar=True, norm='log', cut=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, filled='both')[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <>
Draw a (filled) contour plot.
- Parameters
X (meshgrid ndarray) – grid containing the x-axis values for each pixel
Y (meshgrid ndarray) – grid containing the y-axis values for each pixel
Z (meshgrid ndarray) – grid containing the z-axis values for each pixel. This will correspond to the contour values.
aspect (str) – (Optional) aspect of the plot
cmap (str) – (Optional) colormap to use
colorbar (bool) – (Optional) whether to draw a colorbar or not
contours (int or list[int] or list[float]) –
(Optional) contours to draw
if an int, it must be the number of contours to draw
if a list, it must be the contour values
if None, its value will be determined automatically (see matplotlib)
cut (float) – (Optional) cut below which values in the Z data are put to np.nan. If None, no cut is applied.
filled (bool or str) – (Optional) whether to draw a filled contour (if True) or just contours (if False), or both (if “both”)
hideAllTicks (bool) – (Optional) whether to hide ticks or not
norm (str) – (Optional) scale to use. Must either be ‘log’ or ‘linear’.
sizeFig ((int, int)) – (Optional) width and height of the figure
xlim ((float, float)) – (Optional) x-axis bounds. If None, the min and max of X are used.
ylim ((float, float)) – (Optional) y-axis bounds. If None, the min and max of Y are used.
- Returns
current axis and plot
- Raises
ValueError – if norm is neither ‘linear’, nor ‘log’