List of available functions¶
A few examples are given below
import wilfried.utilities.dictionaries as dic
data = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}
keys = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e']
default = [3, 2, 1, 5]
# Generate new dictionary with default values if they do not exist yet
new_data = dic.setDict(data, keys=keys, default=default)
# Make sure that all the above keys exist in the dictionary
dic.checkInDict(new_data, keys=['a', 'b', 'c', 'e'], dictName='new_data')
# Remove keys 'a' and 'c'
small_data = dic.removeKeys(new_data, keys=['a', 'c'])
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <wilfried.mercier@irap.omp.eu>
Functions acting on dictionaries.
- utilities.dictionaries.checkDictKeys(dictionary, keys=[], dictName='NOT PROVIDED')[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <wilfried.mercier@irap.omp.eu>
Check that all the dictionary keys are among the list keys.
- Parameters
dictionary (dict) – dictionary from which we want to test if given keys are in keys list
dictName (str) – (Optional) dictionary variable name printed in the error message
keys (list[str]) – (Optional) list of authorised key names
- Returns
None if dictionary keys are all in keys list
- Raises
KeyError – if one of the keys is not in keys list
- utilities.dictionaries.checkInDict(dictionary, keys=[], dictName='NOT PROVIDED')[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <wilfried.mercier@irap.omp.eu>
Check that the given keys exist in the dictionary.
- Parameters
dictionary (dict) – dictionary from which we want to test if given keys already exist
dictName (str) – (Optional) dictionary variable name printed in the error message
keys (list[str]) – (Optional) key names we want to test if they exist in dictionary
- Returns
None if keys exist
- Raises
KeyError – if one of the keys is missing in the dictionary
- utilities.dictionaries.concatenateDictValues(myDicts, astropyTable=True)[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <wilfried.mercier@irap.omp.eu>
Take a dictionary containing either numpy arrays or numpy structured arrays as values and concatenate them.
If working with structured arrays/astropy tables, be careful to have the same column names/fields, otherwise the concatenation shall still produce a result which may be different from what would be expected.
When combining a standard array with a masked one, a new mask (with False values everywhere) will be concatenated to the previous one so that the masks will be preserved.
- Parameters
myDicts (dict or list of dicts) – either a single dictionary containing numpy arrays or a list of dictionnaries (numpy arrays as values as well)
astropyTable (bool) – (Optional) whether to return an astropy table or not. If False, it will return a numpy masked array.
- Returns
table where each numpy array in the dictionary has been concatenated to the others, or a list of tables
- Return type
masked ndarray or astropy Table of list[masked ndarray] or list[astropy Table]
- Raises
ValueError – if myDicts is an empty list
TypeError –
if at least one element in myDicts is not a dict
if myDicts is not a list
- utilities.dictionaries.removeKeys(dictionary, keys=[])[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <wilfried.mercier@irap.omp.eu>
Creates a new dictionary with given keys removed.
- Parameters
dictionary (dict) – dictionary from which the keys are removed
keys (list[str]) – (Optional) keys to remove from the dictionary
- Returns
new dictionary with given keys removed
- Return type
- utilities.dictionaries.setDict(dictionary, keys=[], default=[])[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <wilfried.mercier@irap.omp.eu>
Create a new dictionary whose keys are either retrieved from a dictionary, or set to default values if not present in the dictionary.
- Parameters
dictionary (dict) – dictionary from which the values in keys list are retrieved
default (list) – (Optional) list of default values for keys listed in keys if no value is found in dictionary
keys (list[str]) – (Optional) list of key names which should be retrieved either from dictionary or from default
- Returns
new dictionary with keys listed in keys having values either from dictionary or from default
- Return type