Masses and SFR estimates

galaxy.photometry.mass_gas_sfr(sfr: Union[float, numpy.ndarray], rd: Union[float, numpy.ndarray]) Union[float, numpy.ndarray][source]

Code author: Epinat Benoit - LAM <>

Convert the SFR into a gas mass assuming it is uniformly distributed in \(2.2 \times R_{\rm{d}}\), with \(R_{\rm{d}}\) the disk scale length.

  • sfr (float or ndarray[float]) – SFR in \(M_{\odot}/{\rm{yr}}\). Optionally, if given as an astropy Quantity, it will be converted to \(M_{\odot}/{\rm{yr}}\).

  • rd (float or ndarray[float]) – disk scale length in \(\rm{pc}\). Optionally, if given as an astropy Quantity, it will be converted to \(\rm{pc}\).


gas mass in \(M_{\odot}\)

Return type

float or ndarray[float]

galaxy.photometry.mass_gas_kennicutt(floii: Union[float, numpy.ndarray], rd: Union[float, numpy.ndarray], z: Union[float, numpy.ndarray], av: Optional[Union[float, numpy.ndarray]] = None, ebv: Optional[Union[float, numpy.ndarray]] = None, lbda: Union[float, numpy.ndarray] = 0.3728) Union[float, numpy.ndarray][source]

Code author: Epinat Benoit - LAM <>

Convert the ionised gas flux into a gas mass assuming it is uniformly distributed in 2.2*rd. If an attenuation and a colour excess are given, the flux is corrected beforehand.

  • floii (float or ndarray[float]) – ionised gas flux in \(\rm{erg/s/cm2}\)

  • rd (float or ndarray[float]) – disk scale length in \(\rm{pc}\). Optionally, if given as an astropy Quantity, it will be converted to \(\rm{pc}\).

  • z (float or ndarray[float]) – redshift

  • av (float or ndarray[float]) – (Optional) attenuation in V band

  • ebv (float or ndarray[float]) – (Optional) colour excess

  • lbda (float or ndarray[float]) – (Optional) rest-frame wavelength in microns


gas mass using the Kennicutt law and its error in \(M_{\odot}\)

Return type

float or ndarray[float], float or ndarray[float]

galaxy.photometry.sfr_kennicutt_oii(floii: Union[float, numpy.ndarray], z: Union[float, numpy.ndarray], av: Optional[Union[float, numpy.ndarray]] = None, ebv: Optional[Union[float, numpy.ndarray]] = None, lbda: Union[float, numpy.ndarray] = 0.3728) Union[float, numpy.ndarray][source]

Code author: Epinat Benoit - LAM <>

Compute the SFR from the ionised gas flux. If an attenuation and a colour excess are given, the flux is corrected beforehand.

  • floii (float or ndarray[float]) – ionised gas flux in \(\rm{erg/s/cm^2}\). Optionally, can directly be given as an Astropy Quantity with a unit of the kind \(\rm{erg/s/cm^2}\).

  • z (float or ndarray[float]) – redshift

  • av (float or ndarray[float]) – (Optional) attenuation in V band

  • ebv (float or ndarray[float]) – (Optional) colour excess

  • lbda (float or ndarray[float]) – (Optional) rest-frame wavelength in microns


SFR in \(M_{\odot}/{\rm{yr}}\) and its error.