MUSE related functions¶
- galaxy.MUSE.centreFromHSTtoMUSE(X, Y, imHST, imMUSE, extHST=0, extMUSE=0, noError=False)[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <>
Convert centre coordinates in pixels in HST image into pixel coordinates in MUSE image/cube.
- Parameters
X (int or float) – x centre position
Y (int or float) – y centre position
imHST (str) – file containing the HST image to generate wcs object
imMUSE (str) – file containing a MUSE cube or image to generate wcs object
extHST (int) – extension to open in the HST fits file
extMUSE (int) – extension to open in the MUSE file
noError (bool) – whether to not throw an error or not when HST or MUSE file(s) is/are missing. If True, a tuple (np.nan, np.nan) is returned.
- Returns
new (MUSE) pixel coordinates
- Return type
- Raises
IOError –
if noError is False and imHST is not found
if noError is False and imMUSE is not found
- galaxy.MUSE.ListGroups()[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <>
List of PSF values for the different MUSE fields.
- galaxy.MUSE.compute_lsfw(z, lambda0, a2=5.835e-08, a1=- 0.000908, a0=5.983)[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <>
Compute the MUSE Line Spread Fonction FWHM given the rest-frame wavelength of the line and the redshift of the corresponding object.
- Parameters
lambda0 (int or float) – rest-frame wavelength in Angstroms
z (int or float or ndarray[int] or ndarray[float]) – redshift of the object
a0 (float) – lambda ** 0 coefficient of the variation of LSF FWHM with respect to lambda
a1 (float) – lambda ** 1 coefficient of the variation of LSF FWHM with respect to lambda
a2 (float) – lambda ** 2 coefficient of the variation of LSF FWHM with respect to lambda
- Returns
LSF FWHM in Angstroms
- Return type
float or ndarray[float]
- Raises
ValueError – if np.any(z<0)
- galaxy.MUSE.computeFWHM(wavelength, field, model='Gaussian')[source]¶
Code author: Wilfried Mercier - IRAP <>
Compute the FWHM at a given observed wavelength assuming a linearly decreasing relation for the FWHM with wavelength (calibrated on OII and OIII measurements at different redshifts).
Only MUSE fields in the COSMOS field are considered here.
- Parameters
field (str) – field name for each desired wavelength
wavelength (int or float) – wavelength for which we want to compute the FWHM in Angstrom
model ('Moffat' or 'Gaussian') – model to use
- Returns
computed FWHM
- Return type