Save and load SOM ################# A last feature of this SOM implementation is that the it can be saved at any moment and loaded back again. This is easily done using the :py:meth:`~.SOM.write` method .. code:: som.write('som_save') The SOM can be loaded back at any time later on using the :py:meth:`` method .. code:: newsom ='som_save') print('BMUs for train data:') print(som.train_bmus_) print('\nBMUs for train data loaded from file:') print(newsom.train_bmus_) .. execute_code:: :hide_code: from SOMptimised import SOM, LinearLearningStrategy, ConstantRadiusStrategy, euclidianMetric import pandas table = pandas.read_csv('examples/iris_dataset/iris_dataset.csv') target = table['target'] swidth = table['sepal width (cm)'] table = table[['petal length (cm)', 'petal width (cm)', 'sepal length (cm)']] data = table.to_numpy() data_train = data[:-10] data_test = data[-10:] lr = LinearLearningStrategy(lr=1) sigma = ConstantRadiusStrategy(sigma=0.8) metric = euclidianMetric nf = data_train.shape[1] # Number of features som = SOM(m=1, n=3, dim=nf, lr=lr, sigma=sigma, metric=metric, max_iter=1e4, random_state=0), epochs=1, shuffle=False, n_jobs=1) som.write('som_save') newsom ='som_save') print('BMUs for train data:') print(som.train_bmus_) print('\nBMUs for train data loaded from file:') print(newsom.train_bmus_)